Sheridan County Conservation District (SCCD) will receive bids for work associated with the Debris Removal/Salvage at the Former Acme Power Plant. The Project consists of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, appliances, transportation, and services necessary for debris removal and salvage to facilitate future cleanup of soils and asbestos at the Former Acme Power Plant located at 165 Acme Road, Ranchester, Wyoming, 82839. The building was constructed in 1910 as a coal-fired power plant and later for various commercial operations.
Bidders will be required to satisfy the OWNER as to their experience and competence to complete the work as described in the Instruction for Bidders section of the Contract Documents. Qualified contractors are invited to submit bids on this Project.
All interested parties are hereby informed of the following terms and conditions as outlined in the Project Manual. All bids must be submitted via email to Loren Ruttinger ( before 3:00 PM Local Time, on the 28th day of December 2023. All bids must be furnished on forms supplied by the SCCD and provided in the Project Manual. Bids which are not prepared and filed in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders may be rejected. SCCD reserves the right to reject any and all bids and the right to waive irregularities in bids received.
Each bid must be accompanied by a bid bond with sufficient surety, or a certified check or cashier's check, or bank draft on a reputable bank, for not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount of such bid, payable to, and to be forfeited to, the SCCD as liquidated damages if bidder fails to enter into contract within sixty (60) days after award to him, or fails, at the time of executing the agreement, to furnish a performance and payment bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the bid. Facsimile (fax) or other copies of bonds are not acceptable, nor are certified or cashier's checks which have an expiration date of less than one year. No bid will be considered if not accompanied by such bond, certified or cashier’s check or bank draft, or if not in conformance with the provisions of Section 15-1-113, W.S. 1977.
A complete set of the Bidding Documents may be obtained via Public Purchase (
A MANDATORY pre-bid conference will be held on the 13th day of December 2023, at 1:30 p.m., onsite at the Acme Power Plant, 165 Acme Road, Ranchester, WY 82839. (Access site from I-90 Exit 14, proceed east on Acme Road to site).