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Debris Removal Complete (2/2024)

An interim cleanup milestone at the former Acme Power Plant is now complete.  This phase included the removal of debris to facilitate future cleanup of soils and asbestos.  A debris inventory, completed previously, identified approximately 900 tires, 55 cubic yards wood debris, 38,700 pounds of scrap metal, 6 structures, and various appliances, campers, boats, furniture, and more.  The work was completed by WLM Excavation under the guidance of WWC Engineering with federal funding from the USEPA administered through the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality and Wyoming Business Council.


Carrie Rogaczewski, District Manager for the Sheridan County Conservation District noted that the District and other partners are excited with the progress:  “It was definitely encouraging to see this happening.  Having these items out of the way will not only allow us to move forward with other aspects of cleanup, but will also greatly help with overall safety.  It is probably the most visible improvement we’ll see out there for a while.  We still have a ways to go, and we understand that, but it is one more step in the right direction.”


Upcoming phases include asbestos removal in the building and initial soil cleanup, both of which will be supported with federal funding through the USEPA.   The cost of the current and upcoming phases is $1,202,000 with 90% covered by the federal grants.  Donations to help cover some of the match requirements can be made to the Sheridan County Conservation District.  Carrie Rogaczewski expressed appreciation for those that have already made a show of support with a contribution:  “Since it isn’t really possible to have volunteer work days out there, making a donation is the best way for community members to be actively involved in this project.  Donations will ONLY be used to support direct project expenses related to the cleanup activities.”


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